Guess what? Burpees don’t like you either.

13/03/18 | Blog

I was telling someone last week that I probably do at least one thing every week that I don’t necessarily enjoy but because it’s good for my health.

As much as I love what I do for exercise, there is no lying about the fact that I don’t really care for burpees and running. I do them anyways. I eat foods from time to time that I don’t really care for either but because I know I should for my wellbeing. 90% of the time I love what I do but I can admit that 10% of the time I still have to do things just because they’re good for me. I do these things now so in later years I maybe don’t have to spend 90% of my time trying to combat the effects of making not-so-favorable choices. 

I told someone the other day that if diet and exercise were easy then everyone would do it. The fact is it does take some work off the start and then one day you realize that you enjoy what you’re doing and what it’s doing for you and it becomes a habit that you don’t even think twice about. I read an article that it takes 66 days of consistently doing something before it creates a habit and becomes second nature. Not everyone was born wired to like certain things and I have heard that you have to try something 3 consecutive times before you can determine if there is perhaps a better alternative out there for you. 

When people say life is short, it is! But I’m trying not to make it any shorter than it already is 🙂

– Ashlyn