Creating Fitness Habits

I wrote a blog post a couple months ago about the aspect of time and how everyone is busy these days.

If any of us didn’t make our fitness a priority we wouldn’t have time for it. Sometimes we have to take a look at all of the things we do in our day and see if putting our health above them with some physical activity is more important. Refresh yourself on it here.

Here are some of my tips on how to make working out a habit:

-Don’t over do it when you first start! You will end up so sore and you will hate it, making it way harder to get yourself to do it again.

-Physically plan it in your calendar. Carve out a time and stick to that. If we find we’re running out of time at the end of our day we might have to get up a bit earlier and do it then just so we know we won’t be too busy to get it done then.

-Put your clothes out the night before. It’s way harder to walk past them just sitting there waiting to get sweaty!

-Find a program that you like and helps hold you accountable (like The Sweat Effect 😉)

-Find some accountabilibuddies to workout with that make it fun.

-Set goals, write them in a journal or make an eye-catching vision board that you can see everyday.

-Too sore or tired to feel motivated for your workout today? Go for a walk or bike ride, really just do anything that gets you moving. -Walk your kids to practice, shovel the driveway, cut the grass, these are all great ways to incorporate getting sweaty into your day while accomplishing other tasks too!


A lot of people just don’t know where to get started and this is one of the reasons why I created The Sweat Effect. People need fitness to be convenient and not overwhelming when the are trying to take control of their health. If this is where you are struggling, I can help!


– Ash

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