But What if With the New Year I Don’t Want to be a New Me?

No matter what the ups and downs with my weight were, i’ve always liked the person i was.

I like to have fun, I’m a good friend, I’m thoughtful, like to experience new things – but this isn’t about me telling you all the things I think are my good features. With the New Year upon us I struggle with the saying “New Year, New You”. The truth is, I didn’t want to be a new me, I just wanted to be the best version of myself possible.

Growing up in a small town I totally understand the battle of wanting to take control of your health but having no idea where to start. It took me years of costly exercise programs and personal training before I finally figured out what actually works. I was overweight and out of shape, had no direction and no clue where to start. I had tried every diet out there and wasted countless hours, energy and dollars on things that didn’t work while looking for a quick fix. I also tried diet pills, body wraps, meal replacement shakes and bar, specially marketed weight loss foods, infrared lights, vibrating machines, cellulite creams. That list actually makes me cringe. My goal now is to help others so they don’t have to go down the same path I did or continue down it struggling to find something that works.


In 2013 I FINALLY stopped listening to all of the things that other people told me and started digging deep into all of the information for myself and saw exactly where things were going wrong for me. That research lead me to flexible dieting (or macro tracking) and I dove into the world of what people used to more commonly call ‘if it fits your macros’.

The photo on the left shows me in 2015 at 175 pounds (which wasn’t quite my heaviest – I remember the scale hitting 179.5 a different time that year) after bouncing back from all of the diets people told me I “should” try and being sick of where those left me. I dug into the research and started counting my macros then (pretty inconsistently) which brings you to the middle photo where I am around 165 pounds in 2016 and ready to take flexible dieting more seriously. The photo on the right is in 2017 around 150 pounds after consistently flexibly dieting and holding myself accountable for it. I now take everything I did and learned from my fitness and nutrition journey and put it into an effective, easy to follow program where I hold people accountable. Not only was it the best thing I could do for my health but my confidence too! It just made me the happiest, healthiest version of myself 🤗

Now in case you’re thinking, “you don’t have kids, you work from home, things are easier for you” – while I like to think everyone has their own set of obstacles to overcome and I have mine just like you have yours, I wanted to share just a small glimpse of a few of the 8 Week Transformation Program success stories with you. My clients range from people with kids, some single parents, work full-time jobs, run their own businesses, are students, travel, the list goes on. Members are anywhere from 19 year olds to retirees! The point being they’re busy people, of all ages and fitness levels and with the program’s simplicity it fit with their lifestyle too.

Maddy is a mom who works and leads a super busy lifestyle out in Fernie. In a place where there are post-snowboard drinks and amazing cafes everywhere, these were her results. Maddy gets most of her workouts done without leaving her home.

Taylor is a nursing student and during the time she was in the program she was also doing her practicum working long shifts at the hospital. She was living in her small town and was driving in to a nearby CrossFit gym for workouts around her schedule. When things were crazy and she couldn’t make it to the gym she would just hit up some of The Sweat Effect workouts at home and these were her results after only 4 weeks into the program. Taylor noticed a huge improvement in her workouts and physical capacity as well!

Alethea has kids that seem to have her running to every extra-curricular activity out there. She works and also likes to go on trips. She workouts at a local CrossFit gym and noticed how her workouts were so positively affected by dialling in her nutrition to compliment the hard-work she was putting in at the gym.

Not only is Chaelynn a busy student but she’s also a competitive curler. During the 8 Week Transformation she was back home for the summer living in her small-town and working a ton to save up for school. She did all of he workouts right in her own home. After the 8 week program she moved to the city and took advantage of some of the other programs that I have available to my clients once they’ve completed the 8 weeks (some people just want the accountability for longer than the 8 weeks – others take all of the information they’ve learned from it and go it on their own). She joined a local CrossFit gym but supplemented with Sweat Effect workouts when life got too crazy and she didn’t have the time to make it to the gym for a class.

My clients all live busy lives, as many of us do, but with the simplicity of The Sweat Effect, were able to make changes and achieve results they can be proud of! Heres to a new year of becoming the best version of yourself possible 🙂


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