The Truth About Pelvic Floor Issues
You know in Billy Madison when Adam Sandler says “If peeing your pants is cool consider me Myles Davis?” Well the truth is pelvic floor issues don’t happen just to women who give birth.
Even us barren souls can end up with wet pants at the end of a double under or box jump workout. Sorry bros..this post isn’t for you unless you don’t mind expanding your knowledge base on female anatomy.
But if I haven’t squeezed anything from my loins, how could this be possible you ask? Just sheer body mechanics and mobility. When I first got into CrossFit it was a given that I would need to wear black bottoms on skipping day. The day I did a really heavy squat clean and ended up peeing on the floor in front of a whole bunch of people is when I decided I needed to try and find a solution.
I worked with a pelvic floor physio for a bit but that didn’t fix the problem for me. My issue was the position I was putting my pelvis in when doing those movements. The way I was tilting my pelvis due to the way I was moving paired with my poor hip mobility was literally squeezing the pee right out of me.
I worked a lot on my hip flexibility and trying to land taller in any jumping movements (bending at the hip and doing a donkey kick when I was skipping was the enemy) and it is a LOT better. I filmed myself, set up a full length mirror and tried to keep my shoulders back more and focus on jumping off the balls of my feet, bending at the ankles rather than the hips. I am literally probably peeing my pants in the older photo on the left, and in the one on the right I’m a whole new woman. I can even skip in red pants now!
Some women need strengthening exercises and even devices but it can be helped! It may not be 100% better but I can guarantee it’s better than always having to make sure you brought an extra pair of pants to the gym. Or worse.. having to cherry picking the workout altogether.
To anyone who thinks this is gross.. whatever dude. A lot of women go through life thinking they just have to deal with it and feel ashamed so it’s always comforting knowing there are others out there who can relate.