The Butterfly Effect Podcast Episode #9

Special Guest, Amy Smith-Morris, a young, competitive powerlifter and cancer pharmacist turned cancer survivor is bravely sharing her story with the world and speaking the truth about both sides of cancer. Amy openly shares all aspects of her journey as well as talks about everything from what symptoms to look for, to things not to say to someone who has been diagnosed, to ways that you can be of help to someone going through treatments.

The Butterfly Effect Podcast Episode #8

Special Guest, Kalli Youngstrom, a former wrestler turned IFBB Pro turned powerlifter and fitness and nutrition coach, came on to talk about everything from her ups and downs over the years, what it takes to get your pro card, what her diet during prep looked like, the sacrifices she had to make and where it has all brought her to today.

Balancing Your Goals and Holidays

Balancing Your Goals and Holidays Having special occasions and holidays co-exist with your nutrition and reaching your goals can be tough. I know this from experience! And while I would love to say I have mastered intuitive eating, it is still a work in progress for...

Travel Workouts

Travel Workouts Incase you have ever wondered what the workouts were like from the 150 Travel Workouts eBook I released, here are some examples you can try on your next vacation! Click here for the other 145 😃3 Rounds1 minute at each station for max...

How to Make Road Trips Manageable

How to Make Road Trips Manageable As I started my drive back to Saskatchewan from BC I ended up driving from Vancouver to Edmonton in one shot and I didn’t mind it at all! On the way out there I battled snow and pouring rain and it made the drive horrible. On the way...